Starting seeds for your garden

Starting seeds for your garden

Starting garden seeds indoors is a great way to get a head start on the growing season, especially in regions with shorter growing seasons like Utah. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you start your garden seeds indoors:

Gather Supplies:

Choose the Right Seeds:
  • Select seeds that are suitable for your climate and growing zone in Utah or Idaho. Or check here.
Select Seed Starting Containers:
  • Use seed starting trays, peat pots, or small plastic pots with drainage holes to start your seeds. Make sure the containers are clean and have proper drainage.
Prepare Seed Starting Mix:
  • Use a high-quality seed starting mix, which is a lightweight, medium that provides good aeration and drainage. 
Planting Seeds:
  • Follow the instructions on the seed packet for the recommended planting depth and spacing. Generally, you'll place 2-3 seeds per cell or pot.
  • Moisten the seed starting mix before planting seeds. Use a spray bottle to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Ensure the containers have good drainage.
Covering Seeds:
  • Cover the trays or pots with a humidity dome to create a greenhouse effect. This helps maintain moisture and warmth.
Provide Heat (Optional):
  • Some seeds benefit from bottom heat to encourage germination. Consider using a heat mat underneath the seed trays, especially if your indoor environment is cool.
  • Place the trays in a bright location or under grow lights. If using artificial lights, keep them 2-4 inches above the seedlings and adjust the height as the plants grow. Provide 12-16 hours of light per day.
Thinning Seedlings:
  • Once the seedlings have a couple of true leaves, thin them to leave the strongest one per cell or pot. This helps prevent overcrowding.

    By following these steps, you can successfully start your garden seeds indoors and give your plants a strong and healthy start before transplanting them into your garden. Be sure to come in and ask for advice if you're unsure or have questions!

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